ORASE is an open organization, and we are happy to promote some volunteer education programs in the interest of bolstering public awareness of certain issues to do with sound. If you regularly host a seminar or curriculum that you think belongs on this page, please contact us in order to discuss.
project: Continuing Education for Architects
Lead educator: Arthur van der Harten
Arthur visits professionals in the building industry to help increase their competence in acoustics, and provide them with the tools and the knowledge to use sound as a design medium. He regularly delivers presentations on Pachyderm Acoustic Simulation, and on the ways that sound is experienced multi-modally.
If interested in a discussion, visit, or presentation, contact us for more information.
project: Acoustics Podcast and Pachyderm Tutorials
Lead educator: Isak Worre Foged, Aalborg University, Denmark.
A dedicated podcast series for the deliberate practice, knowledge and skillset gain intended for architectural students, engineering students and practitioners in architecture. It consists of ten videos on acoustic theory and ten videos on how to simulate acoustics by using Pachyderm Acoustics software developed at ORASE. The open access podcasts can be accessed here.
project: Acoustic Tectonics
Lead educator: Isak Worre Foged, Aalborg University, Denmark.
The university master programme course module is focused on three aspects; architectural acoustics, experimental design processes and robotic-computational methods for form analysis and form manufacturing. In this process, digital parametric and robotic models are central to create acoustic analysis, to develop multiple design proposals and to make physical prototypes and final models based on these studies. See more information on the 2015 course microsite here and the 2020 microsite here.
project: University of Washington Master and Doctoral Programs
Lead educator: Tomas Mendez Echenagucia
Tomas teaches design with an eye for various building performance metrics, including structures, sustainability, and acoustics. In particular, he is well known for design search algorithms which use multiple, often conflicting building performance metrics as a criteria, and is able to guide students in the use of automated iterative techniques in building design. He frequently supervises Masters theses with a focus on acoustics, and using ORASE public resources.
Gallery: 5-10 photos