Open Research in Acoustical Science and Education is an open institution. This page contains practical examples that demonstrate how ORASE employes science to serve the arts and the greater public good. If you know of a project that either Pachyderm Acoustical Simulation or ORASE has contributed to which you feel belongs on this page, please contact us to discuss.
PROJECT: barranquilla by XX
The project “Fábrica de Cultura” is an arts school to be built in the heart of Barranquilla, Colombia. It is a joint project between ETH Zurich and Universidad del Norte. The structure of the auditorium consists of a ribbed, thin-tile vault spanning a space of 20 by 40 meters. The structural design employs novel form-finding tools that combine funicular (compression-only) and acoustical optimization. Innovation in the constructive processes enables the integration of isolation and ventilation mechanisms in between the layers of the vault. Pachyderm acoustic simulation was used to optimize the funicular geometry of the roof for three contrasting room acoustic parameters (EDT, D50 and G) via a multi-objective genetic algorithm called NSGA-II. The results of the acoustic and structural optimization process produced a series of compression only geometries that also obtain a good distribution of optimal acoustic values throughout the audience.
A research and innovation project, with the focus on developing novel clay-based sound scattering tiles through studies in architectural acoustics and architectural robotics. By employing advanced computational design methods; geometries, sound energy distribution, fabrication procedures, material processes, composition modularity and specificity have studies led to fourteen tile types, organised in two families, the Cusps and Folds and two Hybrid tiles, based on catastrophe theory from mathematics and sound scattering principles from acoustics. Read more here.
Project: Texas A&M University School of Music, Kingsville, TX
The new school of music at Texas A&M, Kingsville opened in 2019. Several key innovations were explored in the Pachyderm environment, including room geometry, and a configuration for vertical wood grilles which minimizes the impact of the wood finish on the acoustics of the room, and the performance of adjustable absorptive finishes such as curtains.
Project: SOuth Dakota State University School of Music
Phase II of the South Dakota State University School of Music in Brookings South Dakota opened in 2018. Pachyderm was used to design the room shaping and surface articulation in the new recital hall, and theatre spaces.
PROJECT: Koningin Elisabethzaal by Ian Simpson Architects and Kirkegaard Associates
Pachyderm Acoustical Simulation has been used to perform predictions of many prominent spaces for the performing arts prior to construction. One such room is the Koninngin Elisabethzaal in Antwerp, Belgium, but Ian Simpson Architects (SimpsonHaugh) and Kirkegaard Associates. Pachyderm was used to predict acoustical performance, and make decisions regarding the shaping of the room, as well as the means of control of absorption from theatrical elements located above the stage.
PROJECT: Melbourne Southbank Cultural Precinct by ARM Architects and Kirkegaard Associates
Pachyderm Acoustical Simulation was used in a search for an acoustical phenomenon in the original Hamer Hall auditorium at the Southbank Cultural Precinct in Melbourne, Australia in 2010. In the upper balcony, music sounded harshness. The most distinctive feature of the room is the crystalline concrete elements on the upper side walls. To determine if the crystals were part of this phenomenon, Pachyderm Acoustical Simulation was used in a series of studies. A portion of the room was modelled in Rhinoceros, and built at a 1:10 scale using foam sealed with plaster and paint. Image Source calculations performed in Pachyderm Acoustical Simulation were compared with impulse response measurements taken in the scale mock-up. Using this data, the consultants were able to recommend a frequency selective treatment to the side walls.